Thursday, August 9, 2012

Disney Movie: Brave

I was so excited for this movie. I'm a teenager closer to twenty than ten, and I was counting down the days. I went to see it the day after it came out. I loved that they chose Scotland, and I loved that the main character was great at archery. Alot of movies have been coming out with women heros that do archery: Narnia, Brave, The hunger games, etc. Apparently people are signing up for archery lessons because of the movies, and watching the archery olympics (which South Korea women won). I just want to point out now that ever since I did archery at the YMCA in girlscouts, I've been dying to take archery lessons. The only problem is I couldn't find any, and that was before these movies.

Anyway, back to Brave. The scenery was beautiful, and the family was hilarious. I especially loved her father, his eyes made him so funny. Whenever I look for the history of women in Scotland I always come up short. There aren't alot of documents or books about how Scottish women lived their lives. All I really found was that they sand waulkin songs, which are songs women sing while working. Its refreshing to see someone trying to tell their story, even if its a few centuries late. I also like that the character was a strong girl, fighting for what she wants out of life. I even liked that her hair was messy all the time. I am a bit of a feminist, I don't know if I'm so much extreme, but I like to see women do well. I hate princesses like snowwhite, who are depicted as this fragile, delicate flower, when that is clearly a distorted image.

Alot of people are upset about how the movie ended, and that the main character didn't really use her bow and arow for the ending. I admit, that after the movie I noticed that it was short, and quickly ended. I had wanted more of a story, but I can't say that I am dissappointed. Sometimes with me, I just want to see culture, family, and beautiful land. When a story is beautiful, I acknowledge that, and get amazed over it, sure, but with me the story is not always the most important thing. I like the little things in movies. I like to see how the family interacts, I like to see what the character grew up seeing, I want to know how the character feels about where she is. The little details about how people interact mean alot of me. I am sick of hollywood videos who want action, action, action, and make people just assume that the characters are best friends without showing them that friendship. I am tired of American dramas where love means near to nothing to the characters and there is nothing that means anything. I just can't watch shows where sex, violence, and crappy relationships are the only things I see on the screen. Thats why I watch Korean dramas now. When it comes to Brave, the movie gave me the feeling that what I was watching meant something.

My friends like to make fun of me because I get bored alot, but Brave didn't bore me. There was so much I loved about it! The music was great, especially the song "noble maiden fair" which was in gaelic. I'll put it down below along with its english translation. During that scene the mother sang it to her daughter, then the daughter sang it, and they were just sitting infront of the fire. That scene was so nice. I loved the way they spoke, the jokes, the will o the whisps, the archery, even the fighting was funny, and I already told you that violence the way hollywood does it is boring to me (usually I care so little about the character that I don't care if they die).

Here is a trailer:
Brave Trailer

Here is a cilp of the movie:
brave movie clip

And here is "Noble maiden fair" an awesome song:
noble maiden fair

Gaelic Lyrics:
A naoidhean bhig, cluinn mo ghuth
Mise ri d' thaobh, O mhaighdean bhan
Ar righinn oig, fas as faic
Do thir, dileas Fein
A ghrian a's a ghealaich, stuir sinn
Gu uair ar cliu 's ar gloire
Naoidhean bhig, ar righinn go
Mhaighdean uashaill bhan

English Translation:

Little baby, hear my voice
I'm beside you, O maiden fair
Our young Lady, grow and see
Your land, your own faithful land
Sun and moon, guide us
To the hour of our glory and honour
Little baby, our young Lady
Noble maiden fair

So thats my rant of Brave anyway.


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